Coastal Home Inspection Services, LLC
Get Your Report
We use the HomeGauge computerized home inspection reporting system. This means our reports are available to our Customers and their agents on the Internet as soon as the report is completed.
To view and print these reports on the internet, all that is needed is your web browser. There is no plug-in required or any other kind of reader needed. You will be emailed a link to view the report with a user name and password. This email only contains a link to the report and does not have any attachments. This means you do not need to download large email attachments and you do not need to worry about email viruses.
Receiving your inspection report is EASY…

Simply use the “USERNAME” and “PASSWORD” exactly as they appear in the email you received.
Be sure to pay attention to any lower and upper case letters so that they match properly. That’s it…
The report should appear and you will have the option to view/print the summary or all of the report. You also have the option to forward the report to anyone of your choosing.
After you’ve viewed your report, please re-visit our website. Our homeguide section has valuable information on home maintenance. We also have links to important home resources. Thanks for the opportunity to serve you!

Click here to Sign-in
and view your Report.
Due to the size and complexity of reports, they cannot be accessed via Smartphones. You must utilize a desktop, laptop, or tablet.